Saturday, January 9, 2010


First off, what I love about that 1st pick is that I caught her reflection.. it took some work so when I finally got it with the balloon moving I was excited! And her face is gorgeous!
Today I am Thankful for the sound of giggles. We had lots of giggles in this house today and it was just so much fun. Most of them happened tonight while the older 2 were taking showers Rich and I started playing hide and seek with Malia. She would always find Rich 1st and then they would come find me, when she knew she was getting close she would start cracking up with the most adorable belly laughs!! It was so cute Rich and I were laughing along with her just with the joy of hearing her laugh so hard! Oh how I love her laugh! She is a lot of the time a pretty serious girl so when we can get that kind of laughter out of her it is so much fun!
The girls both got balloons last night at Maddies Open House, so today there was a lot of balloon play! Malia decided to "nap" with hers.

She kept saying "I'm sleeping, its fun" So cute!

The Asian squat.. love it!
Here the pic is in color, I love both.. what do you think?
Dang shes cute!
Then Maddie made Malia and her "beds" so the kept taking "naps" and reading, they were having lots of fun and I just love that Malia is at an age where Maddie and her can play! There are lots of giggles and dress up and play that has been going on!

After we put Malia to bed the rest of us played hide and go seek and Kaden hid in the shower.. I think the flash was a bit of a surprise to him! I ended up with the best hiding spot, Kaden didn't find me for about 20 minutes and finally gave up!! HAHA Funny part was, he looked where I was several times and even funnier than that was I hurried and hid and the next thing I know is Rich was backing himself into the closet where I was.. we both started cracking up and I figured Kaden would find us right away but he didn't!
Caught ya!

Have a good weekend ya'll!!


Lynn said...

Your kids are adorable! I love the pic of Maddie in black and white and in color! I'm enjoying watching the creative ways you're trying to catch Kaden. I have a younger cousin who is in high school and hates having his photo taken but he is also a very handsome boy and we always try! He is very good at avoiding though...

Melissa said...

Great pics today!

tamiz said...

Nothing like a good ol' shower hiding spot! Do you have an upstairs only rule?