I am so thankful for the awesome weather we had today! It started out so foggy, I thought it was going to be yucky all day but after having a lazy afternoon we stepped outside and it had totally changed, the sun was out the sky was clear and it felt so good outside! It was nice enough to have the windows down while I took Maddie to dance!! Love good weather! So over the snow!
These pics are of Malia chillin on her daddy while he was on the phone trying to figure out why the heck we haven't gotten her SS yet.. turns out that a couple days after we applied another girl with a "similar" name and same birthday applied, so they flagged us! UMMM no phone call no letter! We got a letter a couple months ago saying we would have her card in 2 weeks... ya never came! So now that we called we have been unflagged.. ya with just a phone call and we should get another letter in 2 more weeks. ARRRR We are ready to submit our taxes so we really need her number! DUMMIES!!
Kristen's Mission Email - Week 30
1 week ago
LOVE Maddie's squatty pic too! So sad to see my old house in the background. Waaaa! Maggie and I watched Fame tonight. Good dancing NO plot. Did you see something good? It's about time for all ya'll to come back now ya hear?
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