Yep you know what that means.. baseball! And yet we are still doing basketball AAHHH!! Sports runs my life I swear! AND I had to sign him up for football already this week AND right now he is off with a pitching coach to help his pitching OMG!!
Now he is a busy boy but I have to say real quick that I am so proud of both my kids and the choices I have seen them make lately.
Kaden is very open with me when it comes to friends and what is going on with school. He let me know that lately some of his friends have been acting not so great with swearing and other things and so he has separated himself a bit from some of them. I am so glad that he is looking forward and realizing that behaviors now will in the long run get worse and when we have these conversations Im just so proud of him for his good choices!
Today when I took Maddie to dance we were waiting, and a couple of her team mates where on the floor.. one of them doing homework. This girl was drawing a picture and she showed it to the girls, one of the girls said OH thats UGLY! And Maddie right away said NOOO!! BTW the girls mom that was drawing the picture works there and heard the whole thing and was trying to ignore it!
I was so proud of Maddie for not going along with the mean girl saying mean things! I know that studies show how easily kids are influenced by their peers, and most kids will follow whoever speaks up first. So Maddie not going along with this and sticking up for the other girl who said nothing and was just stunned was really great!
So proud of my kids and the choices they are making!!
Today was better than yesterday, and I appreciate the emails I got! Ill just say that I grew up in a dysfunctional family and the drama even as an adult seems to follow. Just when I think I am clear of it something will happen. Ive done all I can to keep my family out of situations and relationships that I know are unhealthy but sometimes it finds a way to sneak back in. Honestly my heart is a little broken with a choice that was made yesterday but I have faith that it will all work out. Thanks again to all of you that were concerned!
Im off to enjoy some Thursday night tv I LOVE my Thursday night TV!!!!
How will anyone ever be able to resist those big pouty lips! LOVE THEM!
Kristen's Mission Email - Week 30
1 week ago
Keep on keepin' on! Holy sports batman. That's a lot of time! Hopefully everyone comes to their senses soon as far as the fam stuff goes.
Good choices are so important and there is nothing more that a mother likes to hear than that! I am really liking the pics you took of Kaden getting ready for baseball season. He is destined to be a star!
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