Friday, March 5, 2010


I just have to say that Thursday night tv was AWESOME!!! I love Thursday night tv.. probably way to much. I end up watching most of the shows for a second time the next day because they are so funny! And who knew that Joel Mchale had such a nice bod huh? lol
It was just us girls at home tonight so Maddie decided she deserved her own movie night!

Ive been needing to do an update on Malia. She is just blossoming so much lately. This whole week she has been so much fun. Oh my goodness I have just wanted to gobble her up all day everyday! She has been so so happy, and lovey and huggy and snugly. LOVE. IT.
Malias has been talking in full sentences this week to, she just has taken off all of a sudden!!
For example tonight we were sitting on the couch reading when she turned to me and said mommy I want chocolate, go get it go go go! I started laughing so she followed it up with Mommy I love chocolate go walk go get it! So cute! I of course had to follow her request!
She has had zero accidents since her major ruff week that I spoke of awhile ago! YEAH
As mentioned earlier in the week, we got Malia a big girl bed. She has been sleeping in her crib that was converted.. so with just the front off. Its a full size and the mattress is nice but not bouncy!! She loves it and has been sleeping through the night with no crying sessions at night like she had been!
Malias new thing that she does is kiss my feet.. soo gross but so funny! I hate people touching my feet, looking at my feet so her kissing my feet is grossing me out but its so sweet that I hate to hurt her feelings, and if I try to hide my feet she hunts them down lol! Tonight she was bending down as I was standing up to go do something I didnt realize what she was doing but she hurried and kissed 1 foot and I started walking away... she CHASED me down got in front of my and told me to stop mommy, and bent down to kiss the other foot! She has to get both feet or she is not satisfied.. a little OCD!
Her memory is of course amazing and I cant believe how smart she is! We do flash cards every once in awhile and Im always shocked that we can go a few weeks and pull them out and she still has every picture memorized.
She of course still has all of her ABC's memorized, uppercase and lowercase! And can count past 10 now. She can also name her numbers up to 10.
She has started to sing songs YEAH!! I LOVE LOVE that she sings.. and I think its one of her new favorite things!! She sings Twinkle Twinkle, Row your Boat, ABC'S, Itsy bitsy spider and a bunch of others I cant remember. I of course cant get her to do it with the camera on... we keep trying to sneak it but she always ends up spotting it or hearing it and will run and just want to watch the camera. I will get her!
I think thats about all for now. Shes so great! Love her so much!

I did another work out today.. thought my neck was recovered enough.. I was wrong! So when Kaden asked to go to a sleep over I was Migraine drunk said yes and totally forgot to take his pic.. so I had to make Rich stop by on his way home and get this with his camera lol!!
BIG NEWS.... Maddie has her big dance convention tomorrow, she gets to go to a bunch of different classes and will be taught new fun things! The big exciting news is that Jeanine from SYTYCD (she was the winner) will be one of her teachers! So thats what Mad and I will be doing tomorrow!!


Melissa said...

How fun for Maddie!

You always have Malia's hair fixed so cute. I'm stuck in a rut with Rory's hair. LOL

Haley L said...

DANG! I thought your neck would hold up. :( Hope you can survive through the day tomorrow with it. Loved listening to Malia chatter away today.

tamiz said...

Love the pic of Malia hanging off the back of the couch. She's is really a smarty pants. If only I was still your neighbor and could send my 2 younger boys to the school of Kris! Think you could at least get Silas his ABC's over Easter weekend?