I was super lazy with pics today so I had Rich take pics of Kaden for me because I didnt feel like moving! I am still in a good amount of pain, and Im not usually one to complain about pain. Its not rare for me to pass a couple kidney stones every couple of months and I dont even take pain meds for that but the last 2 days I have downed as much motrin as I could.. so ya Im hurtin!
Ive decided that Im getting bored with my blog and Im going to try to do something new. First off the whole Thankful thing is great but I dont want to be strapped to being thankful which of course I always am but I may just use words like Love and appreciate to help broaden my posts!
Secondly, I have been asked by a few people to help them fashion wise and Ive been told by friends that I need to teach a class.. of course Ive always laughed this off but I do love fashion and so I thought maybe I could give helpful tips!? I am not considering myself a fashionista or anything but it could be fun.
So here goes!
I think for a woman one of the 1st things you need to know is your true size and to dress accordingly. Nothing frustrates me more, than to see a woman either dressed in clothes 2 sizes to big.. or to small! We all fluctuate in size, Im no different BUT if you are mainly a 6-8 you should not be squeezing into a 4 because the number makes you feel better. Nor should you be wearing a 10 because you are feeling bad about your size.
The best advise I could give is that if you wear your size not only will you feel better you will look better! Im not kidding, woman who wear their true size, the clothes fit so much better and actually shows off what they have rather than hiding, making it look larger etc. No more hiding behind large clothes, your not actually hiding anything, in fact you are doing yourself a major disservice by making yourself look larger than you are. And for the opposite if you are dressing in clothing that is to small you are making yourself again look more unflattering by testing the elasticity and buttons. Please stop.. put the jeans down and walk away! Go find your true size and be happy with yourself! Dont be afraid to try on your clothes before you buy them. So many stores sizes are different. You may be 7 in one store but an 8 in another. So know your size BUT try on your clothes. If it doesnt feel good (to tight or to baggy) try on the next size. Also I love getting opinions, go out of the dressing room and ask the opinions of others.. usually strangers will be more honest with you than your friends!
You will never feel good until you accept who you are, size, number whatever. Love yourself love your size.. something I to have to work on too!Malia was having to much fun with Maddie when I decided to go ahead and pick up my camera.. this is her spitting at me.. nice!
Talk: The Courage to Choose Jesus
4 days ago
Watch out new comfy couch...here we come! I hate fluctuating sizes!! I have a whole half of my closet that is waiting for me to get serious about these 8lbs.!
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