Aahhhh Saturday how I love thee! We started our day out by dropping Kaden off at an early baseball practice and Rich had already left for early meetings at work so us girls took off to Mimi's Cafe for a girl date breakfast! I will admit to being pretty nervous about taking Malia all by myself. She is unpredictable lately, sometimes shes totally happy and easy and listens and then there are times she throws fits, uncontrollable crying fits and just wont listen.
Well she did amazing, sat and didnt freak over having drinks with straws, she ate her whole huge breakfast and some of mine and after dropping a spoon two times in a row I took it away.. and I waited for it, that humiliating moment where there I am sitting with a freaking out child and I cant stop it... well she didnt even make a fuss!! I hurried and kissed her and thanked her (and my Heavenly Father)!!!!!! We had a great time! Then because she was in such a great mood we headed over to the store looking for Maddie some new hip hop shoes for dance. We couldnt find her size but Malia found some that she loved!! I will have to get pictures of them, they are pretty dang fun and she calls them twinkle toes because I guess thats what they are called on tv commercials and after Maddie said it once it stuck with her! So cute!
Anyways we spent a long time outside today, its been such great weather! I just sit outside take pics and read a book and listen to the kids laugh scream fight play and rinse and repeat!!

Yay Malia on the scooter! I sure hope Kaden's backpack turns up at school tomorrow. I really need an outdoor couch like your in my front yard. I would never trust sitting on it here with the spiders, frogs, lizards and many other creepy crawlies!
That is a way cute picture of Maddie in your shoes and scarf! She is so sweet! I too, mostly love Saturdays and I really love when my kids act super fantastic at restaurants! Yea!
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