The other day Rich, Maddie and myself were sitting on the couch hanging out, when Maddie started to tell us she wanted to go to the fuccc...... the fucccc...... the squirell fucccc...... UMMM what Madison?? I want to go to the Squirell Fuctory.... Factory I asked... Yes!! I want to go to the squirell factory!! OK Rich and I are shocked and laughing so hard. Why do you want to go to the squirell factory? Because they are funny and they make things and Jrula (made up name we thought) goes there. Ok so we thought she had come up with this clever little story about squirells and a factory and we continue ?ing her when Kaden comes down and saves the day by letting us know its from the movie Charley and the Chocolate Factory! How funny is that...... So I ask.. Do you know what your children are watching?? LOL I nearly pee'd in my pants from laughing!
Talk: The Courage to Choose Jesus
4 days ago
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