We carved all of our pumpkins this morning. It was so much fun! I think the kids had a blast and now that Kaden is old enough to pretty much get it done by himself he really loves it. Maddie did not enjoy the guts part, when a sticky seed flew over next to her she kept saying umm can you please get that. Kadens pumpkin was the thickest I swear it was like 3 inches which made it pretty hard to carve so dad stepped in and helped a bit. Maddie drew her picture on hers and then dad again helped out. I did my own (what a big girl I am!) and then Maddie helped me clean out Malias and I drew out BABY on it and Rich stepped in again and carved that out! I talked Madison into tasting the pumpkin while she was helping clean out sisters and she stuck her tongue out and got some on it and so she spit because "it was gross!" It was funny. While we were carving I had put on the new Josh Groben CD and listened to Christmas music and I have to tell you it got my holiday spirit up and working and now Im very excited for Christmas! We had all chosen abnormal pumpkins this year and I have to say Rich's turned out so cute, I think it looks like a scarecrow. I love that the kids are so eager to have their sister and they both were very helping with ideas as to what Malias pumpkin should have on it. This little girl will be very loved by her bother and sister!
Talk: The Courage to Choose Jesus
4 days ago
good for you guys...Caleb is the Halloween Scrouge. So if any festivities for this holiday happen in our family it's because of me. I guess we'll carve pumpkins for FHE tonight w/o him while he's out of town.
For doing the craving all on your own mom- your's was AWESOME. Loved the picutres!
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