Saturday, July 12, 2008

Post game celebration near death experience

After Kadens game tonight where they kicked some major butt we went to Jacks for some grub...Looks like we were having a pretty good time AA?? Well not 5 minutes later Kaden was eating his dinner and all of a sudden stood up doing the choking sign!!! YIKES I KNOW! Rich asked if he was choking and he was just panicked and couldnt breath. So we all stood up and Rich first told Kaden to try to cough it out and that didnt work so my AWESOME husband went right to work... Im tearing up just remembering how scary it was. Rich did the Heimlich maneuver on him and once was all it took to send it out! After he was able to breath again he just sat down and tears just ran down his face... we were all looking at each other like HOLY CRAP that was scary. I at that moment was so proud of Rich and so grateful to him for his calm personality, when it was happening I knew in my head what I would need to do but was already relieved that Rich was there and that he would be able to save him. Kaden was so relieved and grateful to and told us he was scared and thought he was going to die. OO makes me cry thinking about it. So then we sat there and finished our dinner shaking and all the waitresses kept coming and checking on him... there was one that had witnessed it and she was frozen and after said she was scared and didnt know what to do.
Moral of this story... Everyone should know the Heimlich Maneuver EVERYONE!! And thank you Rich for saving our boy!!


Becki said...

Okay, Rich can't drive but he can save lives. He did have to save me once too! Thank goodness for boy scouts and life guard training!!!

alison said...

i'm so grateful for the heimlich! yet another reason I was not a pioneer.

glad that kaden is still with us! for a minute there i thought that there were peanuts hidden in his food!

Erica said...

Whoa- that was scary just reading it. I am so glad that he is ok!!

Haley L said...

Holy crap! Just a wee bit scary, eh? OK, and at the risk of sounding preachy, I also think everyone should know at least basic CPR for both kids and adults. :) Glad you're OK, buddy!!!

tamiz said...

That is too FREAKY!!!!

Jessica said...

Glad he's ok. I can't imagine!

Elizabeth said...

so glad Kaden is ok! That was just scary reading it I can't imagine being there..I too thought there were peanuts hiding in his food!