YAAAAAA!!!! Malias VI is scheduled for Oct 1 at 1:00 which is about 10:oo tonight for us! SOOO I guess this means she didnt require the waiver!!! YES!!! So after this step we are just waiting on her TC (Travel Call) where Holt will call us with the information of her flight when, where type of thing! I just couldnt believe when I heard the nice man say her VI is scheduled for Oct 1 I had to make him repeat it! I am so dang excited. This could mean that we could get her TC this week... or next! BUT if there was a flight available and an escort little miss could be home in a couple days or a couple weeks it just depends!!
I have emailed the agency to let them know that if an escort isnt available that I would be happy to travel to go get her and Tami has offered to go with me if Rich cant because of work!! WOOHOO How awesome is she! (And Caleb for saying yes again!)
Im just really hoping that an escort is available and we can get little Miss home ASAP!!
I feel like i might be in a little bit of shock. You wait so so long and then BOOM she could be here any day. Im fretting and wondering if I have everything I need. I have food a bed and clothes and toys and I really think just about everything I could possibly think of and more really!! The only thing I have yet to order were gates and Brigit has said she would lone me hers!! TY! So we are set SET SET! Come home baby girl we are ready and waiting!!!!! Come on escort and come on flights!
Of course this is all with the hope that she does well with her interview hehehehehe!
Talk: The Courage to Choose Jesus
4 days ago
THAT IS SO EXCITING KRIS!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!! Hopefully I can see you and Malia the next time I come visit. This is such awesome news!!! :)
Congratulations and glad things are working out! My sister is in the process of adopting, too. I know the whole process certainly takes an emtotional toll on everyone. Hope it doesn't take too much longer.
Yee ha girlie!! Just the amount of exclamation points in that post made me excited for you. Can't wait for you all to be together as a fam.
I am so thrilled for you. It gave me goosebumps reading your post.
Oh my gosh. I have CHILLS!!! This is such great news. I am so happy that this is finally becoming a reality!!!
Good for YOU!!! I was thinking today about how I could help you and I thought maybe I could bring Maddi home after school if the baby is napping or something. I'm sure her schedule will be so off from ours for a while. So, I would be happy to do that if you can use me.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's so exciting! She'll be home in no time:):):):)
So excited for you. I know how your feeling about things seeming to take forever then all of a sudden the day you dreamed about is here. Before you know it you won't be able to remember life before her. I can't wait to see her in your arms!!
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