Its October, which means! PUMPKIN PATCH!! I look forward to this every year! I LOVE going to Anderson farms, and having the kids pick their own pumpkins! I LOVE IT!
We went with friends this year, which made it extra fun, they are new to the area so we needed to let them know where the best place to go was!
Maddie picked a pumpkin just like her, cute and little!
Malia took a long time to pick hers this year, she didnt want one that was dirty.. a girl after my own heart!!
I kinda love our family pic! We are super cute!
And Kaden kept running from the camera, and then cringed when I finally got one of him.. turd!
The kids all had fun on the mazes and little toys they have!
We all raced on the buggy cars, another favorite! And this year Malia was big enough to drive one!
Cutest caboose ever!
Talk: The Courage to Choose Jesus
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