Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow much fun!

We had a nice cold weekend. No seriously it was 1 freaking degree today while we were out going to church ummm brrrr!! The kids were pretty excited to see more fresh snow though so I told Maddie to talk Rich (yes him NOT me) into making a snowman after church... well didnt realize just how cold it would be but they did go out and try. The snow was to dry so they made a slide instead and came in after sliding and jumping with the reddest cheeks but O so happy! We bundled Malia up too and took her out but she was only out for maybe 2 minutes because it was just to dang cold, but we let her stand and touch and taste and when I took her in the house she was ticked! You can see ghetto Malia in her gansta cap all angry at me... actually she was doing her cute squishy face but every pic I got came off looking angry and we thought it was hilarious and thought with the cap it all made her look very gangster! She loves wearing hats and she kept wanting that one back on after she would rip it off!
Also in those photos are some bad but darling photos of her dress today and the awesome coat! She was not pleased with me taking pics today so I never got a good photo but I had her hair all flipped out and she just looked so dang cute and fancy today!
Kaden had his second b-ball game yesterday and they won again! He played an awesome defence, we were really proud of him and how much his skills are growing. And Maddie is always a good cheerleader at his games, I had to throw in a sweet photo of her in her new sweater that I just had to let her have early!
And last night we went over to the Zimmies for a Christmas Nativity story play. All the kids dressed up as Angels, Wise men, Mary, Joseph, animals, and shepards. Then Rich read from the scriptures and Caleb played the piano. We sang we ate we laughed and it was just a lovely true meaning of Christmas kind of night. At one point I was holding and playing with Jude and Rich was holding Malia when she caught site of me... O she got ticked and wanted me right away! Tami and I both rejoiced in that, what a great feeling it was to see her get jealous!
And lastly... Maddie and Kaden broke the wishbone finally from Thanksgiving and Maddie won, she was pretty excited and we made Kaden do a sad face photo. He was a good brother and didnt even really pout.
Now Im going to try to enjoy these last few days of school before I have to start entertaining all 2 kids for the next couple of weeks YIKES!