and now I can breath!!! I have put this off for way to long and let distractions and the kids being sick get in the way. I now have tackled it made Rich finish signing papers and they will be mailed off in the morning. I cant even tell you how relieved I am... as long as I did everything right we should be done until court time and 1 more visit from the social worker!! YEAH
To celebrate I put Malia in her new itty bitty bikini that I bought from a blogger friend whose sweet little daughter had a closet sale and I had fun picking some cute cute new springy things! Im sorry but I love the boobie shot!!! Enjoy.... Malia sure did, she loves being able to find that belly button and she was talking on the phone AND singing and dancing while watching AI. It was to cute!
Talk: The Courage to Choose Jesus
4 days ago
Okay, WAY too cute in the bikini!!
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