Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful Sunday Update

We had a really great week. I just still am in aww at how well Malia has adjusted. I have talked to friends whose babies have also come home and whose babies have not done nearly as well as Malia and I just feel so blessed. I have a friend who recently got her baby and she is not doing well at all, fussing all the time arching her back has sores on her body and just not healthy. Makes me very sad and grateful at the same time. I guess the Lord knew what I could handle so he gave me the gift of perfection because let me tell ya, I was looking at Malia last night and just marveling at her. She has seamlessly fit into our family and from what Im noticing I cant point out any issues right now that we need to work on. It really feels as though she has been with us forever.
She is so fun and so happy and just sooo well normal, which is wonderful. She is starting to talk and use her voice so much lately. Some new words that she has picked up are.. up when she stands up or wants up, bu bye, all gone or all done (sounds the same) and the best one yet I LOVE YOU.. know yes I know she isnt actually saying mom I love you BUT I do love when she says it back! She is just picking the words up so quickly its great. There are words that I know she just says to copy us but I have noticed that more often than not now she is using the words correctly like baba when she is tired and wants her milk, up when she wants up, all done when she is done. Shes just so dang smart!
One thing we have been having issues with has been some potty problems. Poor girl is having a hard time getting her poopies out (sorry I know thats gross). Its been for the last few weeks and we have tried and worked and worked on her diet but the poor girl just seems to have such a hard time. Right now we have started her on some softeners and Im hoping that will help. It is the saddest things watching her work so hard and to know that it hurts. She will start by standing (her position of choice) but if that doesnt work she sits and leans over, then moves to the laying position the puts her but in the air. She works up a full sweat sometimes to wear it really looks like she is fresh out of the bath and will shake and cry sometimes and it just breaks my heart. Tomorrow I will be calling her doc to see if he can help her out. Haley has been giving me tips and advise which I am very grateful for! Im hoping we can work this out. BUT I do get in some awesome cuddle time, she likes when I rub her back during this and she will come and lay her head on my shoulder or lap while she is working out her lumps.
She is openly giving everyone very sweet and wet kisses now. She will just come up and squeeze and kiss on you and then walk away and come back and do it again. Something else she has started is if you hold out your hands and do like spirit fingers and say come here she gets soo happy and comes right to you. She is also getting good about giving something to me if I want it back or if she shouldnt have it, though some times she sikes me out and turns and runs. She is a full time walker now which is nice for her, and actually has been nice for me. She is much happier just walking around and doing what she wants.
So we are just so dang happy and so in aww of God and his gifts and knowledge and love that he has for us. I am so thankful and what a perfect time of year to be thankful. I hope to remember more often to actually say the words as by the time I get to bed I have been forgetting my personal prayers and going right to sleep. But I am blessed!


Haley L said...

Every day since Oct. 9th has been like Thanksgiving for you guys. :) I hope she gets some relief in the poop department soon!

Tirsa said...

I just love to see how perfectly Malia fits into your family. God always knew she was yours!

Also, Ez was on a stool softner for most of his first year... wonders and is totally safe.

Elizabeth said...

You are truly blessed! Hopefully the constipation will go away soon! Mandarin Oranges work great for Blake..just a thought.