Thursday, November 6, 2008

13 months and 4 weeks home!

Today marks four weeks with having Malia home. I just cant even believe she has been here a month but at the same time I look at her and it seems like she really has been here forever.
Today my sister got into town!!!! And so Malia and I went to DIA to pick her up. Being there by the fountain waiting for Becki to pop up on the escalator took me back and knowing that today was her 4 week anni, I felt overwhelmed by how lucky we have been, and got a little emotional.... especially when we finally saw Becki. Malia has brought so much fun into our home and has been such a fun baby to have and just so sweet! We are blessed, and I know we keep saying that but when I look at her when she is being all silly and so sweet I am amazed by our luck and that the Lord choose us for her.
At 13 months Malia is right on track with all of her milestones. She is so healthy and happy and seemingly so adjusted that I am in aww of how well she is doing. You think of what this sweet baby has been through in her short little life and it is truly a miracle that she is as happy and easy going as she is. She has been through 4 homes and add that number plus a lot more of mommies for her who have all disappeared and I would expect some trust issues. I will say that I think she is still holding back a little with me BUT I do get so much love from her. She cuddles and kisses on me and comes to me if she is hurt and looks for me if I walk away and cries now if I leave the room... unless she is very entertained with something. These are all very good signs! Here is a list of some things she is doing at 13 months:
Plays pat-a-cake... and LOVES it
Can blow kisses
Can touch her nose and say nose... only a couple times but still!
Will touch her nose or mine when hearing nose or will do this super cute scrunched up face and will blow her nose!
Loves to clap and dance to music
Knows how to sign for more, all gone and all done (these are the only ones we have taught her)
Can say momma, dadda, baba, and baba for Kaden, says more, hi and no... somewhat, sometimes
Loves to snuggle with her blankets
Is now on whole Milk and no bottle... BUT still drinks it out of a sippy while I hold her so we still have that bonding time
LOVES her shoes and if you take them off doesnt want to walk
OO walking she is doing it a TON but still crawling if she falls in the middle of the floor
Im sure there is a lot more but I am so impressed with how quickly she has caught on to words! She is amazingly smart, and very quick. If she sees something she wants she is not easily distracted... dang it! Plays well with others, though I can see that if a kid has something she wants she will take it... we will work on that Jude! She is overall a very easygoing happy little baby and I am forever grateful for the wonderful care she got with Holt they are amazing.
OK so my sister got here today and I am so excited. She also is the first non member of our family to hold Malia! Now this doesnt mean that we are allowing this now or that she is even just picking her up whenever, we are still being very careful. But I think its safe to say Becki adores Malia and Malia sure loves her Aunt! But Becki isnt just grabbing her I placed her in Beckis lap both times. Im so glad that she was able to come visit, sometimes its so hard not having family close, but having her here and getting to catch up in person is so fun! We plan on having a couple of fun filled days!


tamiz said...

I can't believe a month has gone by already! She really is a smarty pants!