She was saying everything so good until the camera came out... of course!
In 7 weeks I think Malia is doing remarkably with her words. HAHAHA to all those who ask how she will cope with the language barrier LOLOL!! She has about 10 words at least I think. She lately has been copying me pretty well too. She usually starts off with momma and then will move on to other words. Tonight Rich took the kids to the movie and Malia and I hung out at home. She was sounding out Maddie (somewhat) but when it comes to Kaden he is still aba. Some new words are... poop (which btw if you tell her to poop she will try, and if she isnt having issues she gets the job done! I think potty training might be pretty easy with her!) Maddie, shoes, pretty, ruff ruff, hair hmmm I think Im missing a couple. But really if I sit and say a word over and over again and she is in the mood she will say it back. So anyways tonight she was climbing all over me and eating some pretzels when she started laying in my lap and saying momma so I got her to say a few words. They dont sound great mostly just the sounds because of her full mouth but I think you can see how well she is doing and how freaking cute she is, even though she was being silly and not totally copying everything!
that is too sweet! i'm so happy that she is adjusting and bonding and really cementing her relationship with you so fast. :)
she is so cute! I love the talking! It is so fun when they repeat what you say, and even more fun when they say Mama..:)
Isn't language amazing!! What a LIVING DOLL!! She knows exactly what she's saying...we're the ones that take a while to catch on!
I can't believe all of her words! Ez has about 4!
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