First off let me start by saying I have NEVER been pulled over nor have I ever been in an accident so I think my... lets say suggestions and thoughts are warranted!
Ok lets start with the lanes, there is the left lane which is the FAST lane then there is the right lane which is the SLOW lane... do people not know this?? Is this not standard knowledge for people?? When the speed limit is 75 and you are going even 74 you better be moving your butt over to the right lane people! Stay out of my FAST lane!! Further more even if you are going said mph but people are up your butt and you know they want to pass and there is know body in the slow lane HELLO pull the crap over! I have what I call the 5 over rule... I learned this from my drivers ed teacher SO if I ever get pulled over for going 5 over Im giving him my ticket! So I say if you are in the fast lane and not going 5 over move on over and let us fast people move on by!! OK!!!
Now I hate to drive far.. I understand the discomfort that happens when you drive for lets say 8 hours! BUT I dont think its ever a good idea to have your own leg hanging out your window while driving 75 mph down the highway NOT GOOD! NOT SAFE!
I do however think its quite fine to bust a move on your long drive! Lets say you are driving out in the middle of NOWHERE and you are trying to stay awake and you decide to sing out loud and bust a move in your seat cuz hey JT is on and hello who can hold still when hes on the radio right!! Lets let it be known that you should not stare and act like this is strange when you see someone else doing this HELLO you are in the MIDDLE of NOWHERE and this is allowed!
Also if I see you driving down the road with kids playing in your car with no seat belts and I give you the seat belt sign... just know I am disgusted with you and will perhaps give the police a phone call for your stupidity! Should I be more worried about your kids than you are ummm NO!
I hope you all enjoyed this weeks rant/lesson on driving and I hope that you will take into account my perfect driving up to this point and if you dont agree but see me behind you MOVE OVER!! HEHEHEHEHE
*BTW Rich hates when he drives with me in the car because I am constantly telling him how to drive and have been known to even accelerate the car for him! LOL YES I am a backseat driver*
Talk: The Courage to Choose Jesus
4 days ago
I have to agree with you whole-heartedly; even about Rich. I don't know what is going to happen when he actually is a grandpa. He's all ready a grandpa driver and if he starts going in slower? You'll be able to walk to church faster than riding with him!!! LOL
Thank you for posting that! Slow people in the fast lane drive me nuts!! The funniest thing I've seen people do while driving is picking their they think other people driving past them can't see that???
hhhmmmm I bet my driving drives you crazy too!! I like to go the posted speed limit and when I am going the limit and someone blows by me like I'm standing still I want to scream out the REAL speed limit to them!! "It's freaking 55 People!!"
Love the rant! Can you say ROAD RAGE?!! J/K- I've been the in car with you before, maybe you were just toned down for me. ;)
I think I'll remember to follow you from now on!
What is the seat-belt sign? I love Becki's comment. So funny.
Totally agree. There's probably 25% of drivers who have absolutely no business anywhere near a set of car keys. We should administer an IQ test at the licensing office. If they fail, just say "Here's your sign."
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