So I think what Krisbee did was so cute and I decided I would follow along but wait until today to share about my Valentine!
Richard Charles Jeffers
He goes by Rich though because of his first and last name WAY to many people end up calling him Jeff. He gets emails or phone calls asking for Jeff Richards and he takes it in stride BUT when people that have known him for years call him Jeff I think it gets to him.
(My sister and her friend..his ex used to call him Dick Chuck because of his name and he HATED it).
We just celebrated 10 years last month and you can read all about it in my January 16th post.
Umm lets see 2 years kinda. We met when I was just 16 and married 2 months before I turned 18 (I know super young and kinda sounds ghetto) but we both knew we were ready and in love awwww and now look 10 years later suckas!! He proposed on Halloween of 97', its a great and easy date to remember the anniversary of that. He was very sweet and simple about it, he sat on the floor pulled me on his lap and showed me the ring and I giggled said yes and ran out to show my family.
For sure he did, he was saying it for quite awhile before I was ready to. I guess I had trust issues with men because of watching my mom go through relationship after relationship and never really thought I would bother with marriage and even though I knew Rich was a stand up guy and that I loved him so much it took me a long time to trust him and myself enough to finally say it back, and when I finally did I was in Utah and he was in Texas so I said it over the phone!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Well our positions have changed with houses but I am always closer to the door so that I can get to the kids fast because "he doesnt hear them." LOL But right now if we are laying down I am on the right side.
He usually does. I actually enjoy mowing the lawn but when it gets hot my body does not handle heat well so ya Rich does the mowing and I do the weeding.
LOLOL Well when we are together as a family he does and I sit in the passenger seat the whole time staring at the spedometer and giving him a hard time for being so slow. It drives me nuts that he wont go 5 over and I constantly have to push on his leg to get him to at least go the speed limit. I should just drive Im not sure why he still does.
HEHEHE well I for sure am more stubborn and he is the easy going one. He always says sorry and I always let him LOL ooo dont I sound mean on paper?!? I love that when he knows hes messed up he right away will say sorry and I have been working on letting it go right away. Thanks hon!!
While we were dating he was coming home on leave from the army and was going to stay with my sister so I went and stayed there to and it was sooo awkward because we really didnt know each other to well yet we really had only been writing letters to each other, and so he was leaving to go buy dinner and leaned over and gave me a peck and I thought OO well that was smooth NOT! LOL then after hanging out with him for one more day we went to get dinner together and I had decided that he really was a really awesome person and I had planned on making out with him all the way home at every street light and then the dummy ended up taking the freeway home so there were only like 2 lights but those two make out sessions were AWESOME! (So teenager right)
Well he asked me out but really it was prompted by my mother and I think he did it more as a favor or to be nice because he really was quite a bit older than me and then ended up standing me up the first time and came the next day. (He made up for that later)
Because he really did come in and rescue me! He was and IS my knight in shining armor. I adore the goofy looking grin when he is feeling frisky and love that when he knows Im upset that he will try anything to make me happy again. I love that he loves his kids and I love that he isnt the kind of man that would ever punish with corporal punishment, or ever hurt me. I love that I can trust him in any situation and I love how knowledgable he is and can surprise me still with stories of experiences that he has had. I love that he already is in love with our little Malia and I love that I know he will treat her as he does our Bio children. Hes pretty darn good lookin! And I love him because he puts up with me and loves me through sickness through stretch marks and any struggles we have or ever will have. And I love that he treats me as an equal even though he is the bread winner he doesnt think of it that way. And I love the faith that he has and that he is a man who goes to church every Sunday and will serve without complaint in a calling that I know I would. You go boy! I love you so much and thank you for choosing me Im so greatful to be your eternal companion!
I wanted to add some pictures of him from back in the day but they are all in the garage packed away while we are finishing the basement and its WAY to cold to go look right now, so I will have to add them later.
Kristen's Mission Email - Week 30
1 week ago
Awesome! Loved the make out/stoplight story.
Neat love story. :) It's good to reflect on those days! I laughed because my asst. gymnastics coach in college was named Jeff Richards and he was only about 5'2", so I promise never to call Rich by that name!
Rich probably wishes that I didn't read this kind of mushy stuff about him but that's okay. I still think he is a manly man. Good stuff though!!!
PS...the last comment was from Caleb, not Tami. She made me make that disclaimer.
Such a wonderful story. As I sit in my pajamas and read all of these cool valentine tributes, I realize what awesome priesthood holders and lovely men we have in our ward. Marriage is tough enough but when you're married to the right man it's pretty nice!
I understand the whole name thing. It is easier to go by Jo than to listen to people mispronounce my name.
Wonderful tribute.
Man- I am really missing those pictures!! Rich is an awesome guy! But I think he caught a pretty great girl!!
Great post, and gotta love a man who loves the stretch marks and all! LOL...Can you tell I have some? ; )
I loved reading that. Blaine always gets called Allen, too. So annoying.
The making out at every stoplight was fun to read about...if only he knew your plan, I'm sure he would have taken the back roads!!!
I think you guys are an amazing couple and such great examples of what an awesome marriage and family is. And, I think you got a really great man...just as he got a really great woman!
My mother's maiden name is Jeffers, and people called her dad Jeff. Of course his name was Orville Burley. So wouldn't you go by Jeff too. He was also known as O.B. Which one would you choose.
I will totally have to try the stoplight/make out technique, I don't care if it is just for teenagers! :) I love reading all these cool stories.
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