Possibly my 2 fav pics of Malia ever. She is cutting 2 bottom molars and the drool is a constant lake on her neck, clothes, and watch your step cuz you just might slip in a pool of it!
Last week was a long one! We had so much going on and getting use to the kids school/activity schedules has been hard for my little brain!! So now I have some catching up to do!
Lets see Ill try to go in order of the photos..
Maddie had her first performance as an official showstopper on Saturday. I was told to have Maddie at the park at 8:30 only to get there and to see that nobody was there we waited and looked around for 30 minutes went home and called and was told it was P.M.!! Ummm 8:30 is Maddies bed time so I would think that that maybe should have been mentioned... she asked if it was in the paper and I told her well I never got a paper in fact I was the one who had to ask what was going on and didnt get a whole lot of info out of anyone so I was a bit frustrated!
Anyways Malia ended up taking a long nap after Kadens football game (I will try to load video later) so we all went to the park for her performance. It was a lot of fun it was in the dark and not on a stage but Maddie did an awesome job, she had practiced this dance they they have only been learning for 8 days and she knew all of it... until she was dancing in the dark and all the girls were a little unsure of themselves and pausing and waiting for ques from the teacher but overall she did really really good! Im so glad she is loving dance and will hopefully have this outlet her whole life! They danced to Single Ladies which was so cute.. I will try to load video of that later too!
Girl knows how to move those hips!
Malia got her hair cut on Friday (Thanks Erica) I absolutely love it and I can tell she does to. She looks in the mirror and just laughs and admires herself! It was getting so long and driving me crazy.. I love that she has a style, and I think I like her hair better all short and bobby than long!
So here is her before
And the after!
Now for scouty stuff. Kaden was crossed over last Thursday to a boy scout! He also got his arrow of light (after a lot of work trying to get the leader to move his butt!) Anyways he got it and we were really proud of him! We miss a lot of scouts because of sports and Im not a huge fan of keeping up on it but I know it is very good for him. After I did Claudias photos last Tuesday Maddie was in love with the toole that was left out and was parading around the house like a bride in my heels! It was so dang cute.. I know she would make one heck of a model on the cat walk.. to bad shes gonna be lucky to pass 5 feet!!
You don't know me--I'm Richard's cousin. Anyhow--your pictures are awesome!!!! I wish you lived closeby so you could take some of my kiddos. But I have Cherylann--another cousin--to do my pics and she does fabulous too. I love the drooly pics of Malia--they remind me of Corbin--my 19 month old--that drools and slimes me all the time :D
LOVE, LOVE the haircut!!
Love those itty bitty converse!
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