Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Almost the end

School is just around the corner which means summer is coming to an end. Its been a long busy summer and though Im excited for school I am SO not excited for school. My babies are going to be in different schools which is a little scary. Kaden is going to be in Middle school OMGosh so scary.. hes so ready and excited but a little nervous to. He got his schedule yesterday, he is pretty excited about his schedule he has a couple honors classes that he is nervous about but I think he'll do great! Maddie will be in 1st grade and Im just so not ready to be loosing my buddy! She is so fun to have around and take shopping, I just know Im going to be so bored with her gone!!
So with summer coming to an end the kids are expecting a great end so lots of water play and I guess a movie in there somewhere!
OOO sleeping in and lazy days goodbye I loved you so much!
Malia has missed most of our water fun this summer because she is usually sleeping when we start but today the kids started at 10 so there was a lot of time for her to have fun!
She was so excited and not scared for one second! Ignore my poor lawn.. while we were in Utah somehow the sprinklers got turned off and now my lawn is a sad sad site..grrr

A little game of jump over the baby... no babies were hurt during this game!
Such a handsome boy!

Kaden sure loves his wee sis and was having a blast playing with her
She was shivering and freezing cold and refusing to leave the water
can you tell shes cold?
Laughing about me saying lets go in.. she was to cold to argue and yell NO!
Look Im still having fun though

I won after this shot cuz she was shivering so bad I couldnt handle it anymore!


tamiz said...

Love those chubby thighs! I'm going crazy this summer without companionship but am nervous for the new school stuff too!

Elizabeth said...

Those are such cute pics...of Malia freezing cold! Ahh the love for water and sun...I know we will all miss the lazy days when school starts.