I wanted to update about our new healthy eating habits! Its been a week and I have to say that I think its going rather well. And I also have to say that now that Ive been focusing on the kids eating healthy we actually were already doing a pretty good job and I really wasnt realizing it.
Maddie and Kaden have been eating veggies every day though and that is a change for us. Fruit have always been pretty easy but veggies have been a struggle for me and so making my kids eat them has not been a priority but as long as they are fresh and can maybe dip in some dressing they seem to be rolling with the punches!
With all the healthy changes it got me thinking about myself and changes that I have made with myself. I think that my high school classmates would be shocked to see where I am with my life now. I am shocked at where I am in my life, Im doing much better than I ever thought I would. Being married for 10 years having 2 kids and 1 hopefully on the way is something I never thought I would have. I was not that girl in high school but I am so glad that I became that girl and Im so glad that I have changed.
That being said I am constantly trying to change and be a better person but sometimes find it hard. So this begs the question...... how do we change who we are to who we want to be? I have found that its not as easy as one would hope.
Were you the fun friend, the fat friend, the smart friend, skinny friend, debbie downer, athletic, crazy, outgoing, shy, not so smart, loud or even the quiet friend?? I think we all have our place in our groups. In high school I was the funny chubby friend and when I lost weight I know my friends had a hard time letting me now be the funny skinny friend. Now as an adult and growing a new sense of humor I find that people have a hard time letting my old sense of humor go also. So why do we get stuck and why do the people around us have a hard time letting us change? I am always so proud of my friends when they change for the better and I hope Im always supportive. Do we get jealous? If our friends change do we feel like it changes ourselves or the friendship?
I feel like a run on sentence and Im probly not making sense but these are things Ive been thinking about lately. Change is good it really is. I used to love yellow and when I realized I really liked red I had a hard time admitting that it was my new favorite color? Why? and even now why cant I just say LOVE red rather than like?? Kinda silly, maybe I to am afraid of change. Just because I change my favorite color doesnt mean Im a different person right?? Or at least not in a bad way!
I guess this post is really about encouraging any of my readers and myself that if we want to change something about ourselves, lets not be afraid of what others will think and lets not let anything stop our hearts desire!
Kristen's Mission Email - Week 30
1 week ago
So glad it is going well. In high school my teachers always said I was a "floater" ..just floated from group to group. Couldn't seem to commit or fit into any particular group. I think I am still like that. I have such a wide range of "types" of friends..but I like it : )
I know what you mean. I think it's hard for people to step back and recognize the changes people have made when they're used to things one way. I had a friend in Louisana who lost 45 lbs. and she had maybe 3 people notice!!! I think it's a talent for people to 1)recogize when people change for the better, 2)let them know they've noticed the change and 3) compliment them on it. I know I'm guilty of noticing a change and being to shy or laid back to comment.
Strange how we get so accustomed to how people are or have been and get into our comfort zones and are afraid to step out of them. Change is always good but scary sometimes. And whether other people notice it or not, if you've changed for the better then mucho kudos to you! :)
Amen sister!! Although I think that you are a great person the way you are. I agree that change is hard and I struggle with it all the time. I love having friends that inspire me!
This was such a great post. I totally agree with what you said. I love when people can recognize something about themselves that they want to change and then they just do it. It isn't easy but isn't that how we grow and progress? Stepping out of our comfort zones and trying to become better people every day? I was a total pop off my freshman year in high school. I got sent to the principals office for mouthing off to the teacher and everything. But, I didn't want to be that way and so I tried to change and I really became a nicer person in subsequent years. Or, am I really quite rude and I just don't realize it???
I was the shy, funny (I think), SKINNY friend. So now that I am not so skinny I know there are a few gals back home who would leap for joy. They have been waiting for this day.
Great post, and so true ! As soon as I had a child, my friends were gone. I made new ones with kids. As soon as I found my husband and was happy, more people vanished...it always works that way. BUT, as soon as they caught up with me, some came back into my life....said they were sorry...they just didn't understand at the time.
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