I cant even believe how quick the time is flying by since little miss has come home. We will be having our last LAST meeting with our social worker in just a couple weeks and then hopefully next month will be able to go to court and make her legally ours forever! Im so excited and have been shopping for the perfect dress for the special event!
I cant believe she is 17 months, we got a photo from Holt last week from right before she left the reception center in Korea to fly home to us and I couldnt believe how much she has changed. She looks so much older, her hair is so much longer and her personality is so different from those first days home.
At 17 months this is what Malia is up to..
*She hardly walks she runs
*Malia still loves books, she makes us read to her all day, books are no doubt her fav thing.
*She now knows Oval (most the time) and says other shapes as well but points to the wrong ones. She can say numbers when we are in the number book but doesnt say the right ones either unless I say them first, she knows most of the animals in her favorite books and can say a lot of the sounds they make. Bear is her fav.. ROAR! When we get to bee I always buzzz and stick my finger in her ear and so as soon as we are on the bee page she tilts her head getting ready for it SO CUTE!
*Her new favorite thing to say is "whats this or whats that?" Cracks me up but I know it will one day be annoying. She tries to have conversations with us and there are at least a couple words if I listen that I can recognize. She has so many words in her vocab and new ones everyday it always surprises me when she just says a new word plain as day.
*Today I got her out of the tub and her towel hoodie was on and she grabbed her head and said HAT and I said O Rich she said hat and then after she kept pointing at me and saying it and then grabbing her own head I realized DUH I am wearing a hat!! Shes so dang smart!
*She is OBSESSED with balls OMGosh this kid loves a ball!
*She is hit and miss with her morning nap some mornings she needs them but some mornings she either just hangs out in her crib or doesnt go to bed at all but then will sleep from 2-5 then we wake her up and sometimes she still obviously is tired.
*Malia quit giving kisses awhile ago but has started giving them again! She also has started saying I love you again! YEAH
*I think she is showing signs of being ready to potty train (Im not ready) so I bought a potty chair yesterday and let her sit on it after I changed her bum and she was ticked when I made her get off but she did try to poop it was funny, so we'll see how that goes Im just gonna let her sit and play on it for now.
*Tantrums have gotten a lot better and only show up when shes tired, so I think shes getting a little more control of those baby emotions... poor girl sometimes I can see how frustrated she gets but shes learning how to work through it.
*Girl loves Maddie and Kaden so so much and she is for sure a daddies girl, as soon as he gets home she wants nothing to do with me.
*I have been reading her 1 book at bed time for a new routine and I love that she will just lay back in my arms and let me cuddle on her and read. She gets excited at bed time now knowing there will be a book involved!
We are so lucky to have this sweetie in our homes, she makes us all laugh and smile everyday. I cant wait for that court date to come!!
Talk: The Courage to Choose Jesus
4 days ago
You do realize you'll have to post a picture of that perfect finalization dress!
Glad to hear she's doing so well - she sounds so fun!
I cn't believe how quickly time flys by!! I am so excited that you will soon get to go to the court house and then the temple to make her yours forever. I have heard that it is an amazing experience!!!
In ways it seems like yesterday that we were all at the airport and yet I almost can't remember you guys as a family of 4. It is mind-boggling to me how well she has adjusted (not to say there haven't been hard days)! Must be good livin'. :)
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