Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School is not cool!

 Thats my Freshman, no seriously hes a freaking Freshman like a highschooler like I only have a few years left with my sweet boy.  No I dont think its cool, I hate that summer is over after it felt like it just started!  Kaden however was pretty excited.  We have a brand spankin new High School this year, it is gorgeous and amazing and the possibilies seem endless!  If he was nervous he didnt show it.  He goes right from school to football practice and is loving every second.  Of course serious homework is soon to come I am sure!  I really hope he continues with the good attitude and is able to keep up with all these classes and crazy schedule.  He is also waking up at 5 to get ready for seminary, hes a great kid!!
 He wouldnt pose for me at home really or at school but hes so darn handsome it doesnt matter!
 Maddie was beyond excited for school!  She knew who her teacher was going to be before summer and loves her already!  She has a few friends in class which always makes it easier and she always has a good attitude about school anyways!  She had a great first day and now is just waiting for dance to start next week!

 I mean come on this girl kills me!

 Malias first day wasnt until Monday and boy was she ready!  Ive never seen her get ready so fast!  This girl LOVES school, she says she just loves to play but I know she thrives when she is learning!  And it just doesnt get cuter than my little pre-schooler!

 Oh my goodness she is so cute!

 These two are gonna miss each other!

 Right to the books lol

School is so not cool!

 We had our annual back to school fashion show before school started!  The girls were so excited, and Kaden... well he participated!

 Malia got so into it, it was taking her forever to come down stairs because she was modeling on each step, it was so funny!

Lots of cute things to wear, most of my pics were crap, not sure what was going on but I didnt really care that night, we had to hurry that night! 

Maddie turned 9!!

 My sweet girl turned 9 earlier this month.  She wanted breakfast in bed, she waited patiently, while pretending to be asleep still until we "woke her up" with her chocolate eggo breakfast!

Then we opened gifts.  She made a gift list which included... stuff that is pink, oreos and a pizza.  Shes pretty easy!

After she was done with that we told her to get ready and Rich and I surprised her by taking her to Elitches!  She is a total thrill seeker, she loves the biggest baddest rides and loves every second!

After Elitches we went home to get ready for her party, she invited a few friends and wanted to go to the pool!

She choose an ice cream cake!

She said it was a great Birthday.  To know this girl is to know that she is so kind, sweet, loving, caring, fun AND funny, she loves dance obviously and is talented beyond words.  We are so so lucky to have this girl in our lives, she makes us smile everyday and I am always amazed by how many people will out of nowhere tell me how sweet she is!  She always has teachers fight over her and I am forever greatful that this is my baby girl!