Finally.. and I mean FINALLY!!! Maddie has been looking forward to this moment ever since she was in 1st grade and found out her school has a talent show every year, but you have to be in 3rd grade before you can participate.
So she has been working with her hip hop teacher after classes for the last couple of months to learn a dance, she has been in love with the song "Tea Party" for awhile and knew she wanted to use it. She worked her bum off learning this dance, she worked on it everyday and was excited about her costume, and once we figured out how to do her awesome hair it was just a count down to the big day! She had to do a try out which of course she got through, she was even told she didnt have to come to the practice days because she already had it down so well. And Im going to brag because I can AND because I heard it from so many other people... she stole the show! She was so cute, funky, entertaining and had some mad skilz!!
She first performed for the school during the school day, it was so fun listening to the ooohs and aaaaaahs from the kids, she brought out all of her personality and killed it! Then she performed later that night for parents and everyone else and again did awesome! We had so many people come up to us afterward that didnt know us and tell us how talented she is and that they didnt realize real dancers would be at the show lol! She was proud of herself and we were for sure proud of her.
I cant even tell you how fun it is to be this girls parent, because not only is she super talented but she has the biggest heart, she never wants to hurt anyones feelings, her teachers all adore her and even have had teachers ask to be her teachers for uncomming years!! Everyone that knows her tells us what a sweet heart she is, she makes it really easy to be her parents!!
Yaaa Maddie!!!
Some Funny Kristen Comments
1 week ago