Well a jog-a-thon for 3 year olds you say a'gasped!! Ya me too!!
Yes imagine my surprise when I was waiting in line yesterday to sign her in and heard the parents all talking about their kids and wearing the right shoes to jog in... whats that you say I asked?? The kids are jogging today!?
I had read that there was a jog-a-thon but I also saw that it said Friday and I just figured the pre-k'ers were off the hook! Well nope I didnt look in the Tuesday back pack I only look on Thursday because that is when notes come home! But after hearing the news and looking down and Malia wearing a skirt and dress shoes I decided to peek, and sure enough there was a note saying Thursday jog-a-thon. OOOPS!!
As I mentioned in my previous post I am not the most practical shopper.. no jogging pants no running shoes, BUT I did make sure I left my work out class early so I could run home grab her sparly converse shoes and some leggings to throw on under her skirt lol! She looked awesome lets just put that out there!
Malia did awesome, she kept tripping in her "running shoes" but she had fun for the whole 5 minutes of running!
The funniest part was seeing the other Maleah there in the same shirt!! The teachers told me that everyone asks if they are sisters lol even the principal asked me while they were running if they were twins! Ya with the same name?? Come on now people!