Sunday, April 15, 2012


Gotta love Easter!! It means Spring and green and pretty trees! On the Saturday before Easter we hosted about 5 families to come have a egg hunt for all the littles! It is always fun to see the kids go crazy. The amount of joy that comes from such a simple task always makes me smile!

And what is a hunt with out a little crack?!
Easter Eve we colored our eggs! We did 3D eggs and the kids did a great job!Malia had a great time playing with daddy!

Easter morning we had told the kids they could wake us up at 5:30 to hunt for their baskets, because we have early church. 5:31 Kaden was texting us to wake up... we slept through that until he called us at 5:39 lol!
The Easter bunny did indeed find our house and deliver some goodies for all 3 of my little stinkers! Maddie and Malia both found their baskets and were very excited to get new bikes with new helmets! Kadens basket was harder to find.. because the bunny that a good lesson would be learned if it was hid in his always messy closet haha! The bunny delivered a mitt that he has been coveting for quite awhile, and he was pretty excited to find it hidden in his basket!

We had a few minutes to go try out every ones new bikes and mitt. Malia ended up with a scratched up knee, and Kaden ended up with a fat lip lol!
I was pretty excited to get some gorgeous pics of my cute kiddos on Easter morning but we waited to long, the sun was to bright and Malia would NOT open her eyes! We had a very nice Easter. We were invited to have dinner with friends and that was a lot of fun, and because we dont have family close it was really nice to share a Holiday with some people we really enjoy! I am always grateful for Easter, when we can take a few minutes and remember all that Jesus has done for us. I am so grateful for the Atonement and that not only will I be able to be with my family again, but that we will be one with our bodies also, just as Jesus is. I hope you all had a fab Easter too!!And my cute wreath that I made.. ya a little proud of my non crafty abilities!