Well to say Malia had some extra energy today is a big understatement!! I havent felt well all week and was ready to enjoy a nice relaxing day on the couch catching up on my recorded shows. It took 3 hours to watch 1 show lol! Malia was so hyper and just needed to PLAY! We spent an hour outside hoping the heat would wear her out but it didnt. She played on 3 trikes and her scooter. She ran I chased, she threw the ball I threw it back, she danced and I ... well I laughed and took pictures!
Maddie got home and they jumped on the trampoline, I thought finally someone else to play with her! But Kaden had baseball and Maddie had a party and again it was me lol
We did a lot of book reading and I cant even tell you have many times she counted to 100, fast and slow.
She was so dang funny all day, she has had me laughing all day.. and a had me a little crazy too!
Rich got home and she performed for him too. We laughed at her all night, and tried to get her tired.. never worked. We put her to bed and it took her about an hour to finally fall asleep. My crazy girl!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Crazy child
Posted by KrisJ at 9:35 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Over do Sunday Update
Oh my goodness the weather today was amazeballs people! After church Maddie had rehearsal but when we got home we spent the afternoon outside on the trampoline! Kaden was at practice so he missed out on our fun. Malia ended up with what might become quite the shiner, but I think all the laughing before and after made up for that little incident!
It was such a crazy week last week so I am way behind on my updates. Maddie had her dance competition/convention last weekend so her and I were gone all weekend. Then that night she took a bath after getting home and got a migraine, she was in a lot of pain which carried on to the next morning. She missed school and I was thinking she was dehydrated from all of her dancing. She felt better in the afternoon and wanted to go to dance but when I got back there to go to my class there were 4 girls sick and leaving for her and Maddie was included. She ended up with a sick tummy and threw up in the middle of the night. Poor kid.. but I felt better knowing I hadnt let her get dehydrated! haha
She missed 2 days of school and then as soon as she felt better she developed a horrible cough, that thank goodness is going away pretty quickly!
Rich and Kaden held down the home with Malia while we were gone. Rich took Kaden baseball shopping and ended up spoiling him with lots of goodies!
Kaden has been busy with baseball the last 6 weeks or so but this weekend was the first outside practice. They are supposed to have their first tourney this weekend unless it gets canceled! Unfortunately Maddie also has another comp so I might miss it.
We are a busy family for sure but I wouldnt have it any other way. I love seeing my kids happy in all their activities, I love that Kaden has some good friends that come and hang out, and I might even be happy for him when he has a group of cute girls that show up at the door that sing and dance with him lol! I sure hope they are as happy as they seem!!Dang my girls are so cute, and I dont think anything makes me happier than when they are so happy and giggling with their daddy!
Posted by KrisJ at 8:36 PM 2 comments
NYCDA Dance Convention
Last weekend was a big one. Maddie had her first Comp/Convention of the season. We LOVE conventions, the classes and teachers are always amazing and it brings a lot of studios together. Maddie just loves loves these so much!
We drove down to the DIA Crown Plaza on Friday and met up with most of the Company for a nice dinner. Then a few of the girls met up for swimming. We turned in fairly early so that Maddie would have a good night sleep. It took us both awhile to fall asleep with all the chatty girls but once she zonked out she slept really well. Its always nice to be at the hotel so that she and I can get a little extra sleep!!
She woke up excited and ready to go on Saturday. We got her hair ready for competition knowing we would have to do some fixing later after all the classes. She LOVED the classes. They had Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet and Tap. Her favorite was Hip Hop and the Tap and the Jazz lol
After dancing from 9-1:30 I think, we went up to the room to get ready for the comp portion. They only competed their Tap number and these girls did so so well! They were up against some really big company's that dance everyday for hours a day.
After competing and watching hours of dance they had the awards. The girls ROCKED IT! They got 3rd OVER ALL... huge deal. They got Gold and also took 1st in Tap. For special awards they got best smiles and best stage presence!! Their scores were amazing and the comments from the judges were all really good too.. just a little cleaning up here and there to really make it perfect!
Sunday was all about classes again. They relearned the dances from the previous day and added on. Maddie was really bummed that they didnt do Hip Hop again but she did really great keeping up and learning the choreo.. they move so fast I was amazing at how fast she was picking it up! The second day they did contemporary which she has not studied yet, so the movements and skills are different and I cant WAIT until she gets to take these classes because her body and emotions work so well for this style!
After another long day of dance there is a after meeting where they give out awards and scholarships.. not very many though. It was a long process and we were so ready to get home afterwards!
It was such a fun weekend and Im always so proud of her after we leave these. She does not whine and complain, there is no crying about being tired, and there is no faking injuries, all of which I saw a lot of! I always love seeing Maddie walk away with new skills, dance knowledge and confidence!!
Posted by KrisJ at 8:06 PM 1 comments